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Writer's pictureIRIS Solutions

The Lords of the Data

IRIS OPEN TALKS 2 focuses attention on open banking data management

“Data is the new science. Big data is the key to the answers.”

Pat Gelsinger, CEO, Intel

The second edition of IRIS OPEN TALKS, the platform for innovative ideas and meeting of trendsetters, will take place on November 9, 2022 at Sofia Tech Park, Incubator building, The Venue hall.

The Lords of the Data will be a discussion about the potential of open banking data and how it can be used for success in business and life.

Open banking enthusiasts, masters in data management, entrepreneurs - innovators using data to create useful products and solutions are invited as speakers.

Partners of IRIS Solutions in the organization of the meeting are ICAP CRIF and DOMAINE BOYAR.

"All the answers are in the data. Our success in every field depends on the ability to read and manage them," commented the managing partner of IRIS Solutions, Galya Dimitrova.

Moments from the first edition of IRIS OPEN TALKS.

Iris Open Talks 2 speakers

Merdihan Ismailov and Selda Ali are part of IRIS Solutions team.

He is a digital guru with a cool mind. She - 24/7 online with the right solutions.

Their career is similar - they move from the banking sector into the fintech industry.

Mero has worked for over 16 years in banks. For 12 years he managed the electronic channels of Allianz Bank. With the launch of the initiative for open banking in Europe, it chooses the fintech industry with the main goal - to participate in the construction of the appropriate environment and infrastructure for open banking, which will become a permanent trend for the development of the banking business. Today he is the Chief Digital and Information Officer of IRIS Solutions.

Selda has worked in a bank for 10 years. 7 of them are "Private Banking" managers at Allianz Bank. Her interest in what is happening in the fintech industry connects her with the project initiative for open banking in Europe. With IRIS Solutions, he participates in the construction of the appropriate infrastructure in accordance with market trends and requirements.

She is the manager of IT support & Development at IRIS Solutions. Mero and Selda will show how open banking is present in our daily lives and how it can make our lives and businesses easier.

Dafinka Danailova is an open banking enthusiast with over 17 years of experience in the banking, fintech, and technology industries.

As part of the ICAP CRIF team, she will talk about how the use of data from open banking can change the life of the end customer on the one hand and help achieve the business goals of financial institutions on the other hand.

Dafinka will reveal the secret of how we can unlock the potential of open banking data

Viktor Todorov, MBA is the business development manager at Cosmos Thrace Ltd. He is a specialist in building and implementing business strategies, restructuring companies, and designing effective processes.

In the last 15 years, he has worked with over 70 companies in England, Denmark, and Bulgaria.

He was a consultant in several business accelerators in Great Britain: "Business Ready Growth Mentor Pool", Coventry; "Develop"-BioCity Group Accelerator; "Next Business Generation", Nottingham and "Accelerace International" - London.

Victor will present 5 steps to successfully modernize data management.

Теодор Илиев е сред съоснователите на стартъпа DoggoCollar. Той има повече от 10 години опит в разработването на иновативни софтуерни продукти и управлението на екипи според съвременните утвърдени практики в индустрията. Неговите интереси са в сферата на внедряването на комплексни софтуерни решения с фокус върху интелигентните устройства за домашни любимци. Той ще представи ролята на данните в дигитализацията на грижата за кучета.

Milko Karageorgiev Sensei

He is one of those people who consciously pursue their goals and fulfill their missions responsibly. He took his first steps in Aikido in 1999. In 2011, he visited Japan and trained in Hombu dojo, Tokyo, as well as in Ibaraki shibu dojo, Iwama.

In 2012, he attended a seminar in New York, USA, and in September 2016, he participated in a one-week kenshusei program at the Tenshinkan dojo in Chicago, led by Germanov Sensei. He has been leading a family aikido group at Tendokan dojo since 2011 and at the same time participates in Zen and ikebana training. He will help participants find the key to the data encoded in each of us.

You can find the invitation and the program HERE.

Participation is free of charge. If interested, register at

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