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IRIS OPEN TALKS tells stories of success and opportunities of open banking

IRIS OPEN TALKS, the platform for discussions and meetings of digital enthusiasts and trendsetters in Bulgarian business, gathered at its first event in Sofia Tech Park bankers, financiers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, innovators, investors and many friends. With this meeting, IRIS Solutions started a series of informal events, which has the ambition to meet different business groups with impressive achievements of startups from the ecosystem of the Incubator in Sofia Tech Park. The goal is to open their minds to new opportunities.

At the first of a series of events, three startups, which are enjoying international success with their inventions, were presented.

Vladimir Grozdanov, founder and CEO of Barin Sports, spoke about the system created by the company to study the limits of the human body during training and competition. The company has actually no competition worldwide, as other companies in this field offer much less to the customers than it. "We win all the pitches we participate in, simply because we are the best," Grozdanov said. Barin Sports works with some of the world's most famous football coaches, who monitor the performance of their players in real-time and can make tactical changes to win.

Myx Robotics is a startup whose owners are already world-class entrepreneurs before they turn 20. Creators of the Robotics Club at Sofia Mathematical High School, today they make digital tweens of the world around us. Starting with the digitalization of towers for telecommunications operators in Bulgaria and around the world, today they have already digitized entire cities in Western Europe. "We download and analyze the data from digital images and provide the necessary documentation. "We are growing fast, hiring new people. Out of 17 people, we currently plan to become 70 by the end of the year ", announced Yavor Mihailov.

CMYC Ingredients changes the understanding of food, its taste and health indicators. Based on research and analysis, the nutrition system and the flavourings created by innovative technologies create new trends in modern cuisine. The Ukrainian founders of the food tech startup are successfully expanding the markets in Europe and are focusing on increasing the education of Bulgarians for a healthy lifestyle.

The first event of IRIS OPEN TALKS series passed under the sign of a serious trend entering our daily lives - services based on open banking, the field in which IRIS Solutions is a pioneer in Bulgaria and successfully operates in Southeast Europe. Through such decisions it is now possible to pay the bills to Sofiyska Voda, payments can be made in the online merchant platform MerchantPro to optimize the activities of accountants and accounting departments in companies. These solutions save resources and time. The costs of transfers are also significantly reduced as the money passes from the sender's account directly to the recipient's account.

The guests of the forum tested live how the solutions based on open banking and integrated by Sofiyska Voda, Microinvest,, Fintrade and the bCause Foundation work. They also had the opportunity to transfer funds to a cause supported by the IRIS Solutions team “For good! In Support of Ukraine ”, organized by the bCause Foundation.

"I am happy that we managed to gather so many people dedicated to professions with extremely busy daily lives and dynamic development, to charge them with an innovative spirit and inspire them for even more successful endeavours. Success is always inspiring, especially in startup environments where young and enthusiastic people work. I am counting on these meetings more and more people, on whom the future of digital payments depends, to open their minds and see the practical benefits of open banking", commented Galya Dimitrova, founder and managing partner of IRIS Solutions.

To the question "What is open banking?" the guests of IRIS OPEN TALKS answered: future, opportunity, freedom, getting rid of monopoly services, and new horizons.

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